domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008

Correcting posts . . .

Frankenstein = Mary Shelley

I really think that the story of Frankenstein and the life of Mary Shelley have a lot in common. First of all, she did not have a "normal" life because of her family and her problems as a child and as a woman. In the case of the monster it was not created to live a "normal" life.
Secondly,the author of the article tries to emphasize the idea that Mary Shelley in some way wanted to express what she was living at that moment and what she used to be during her life. She did it through out the personification of that horrible monster in Frankenstein.
Mary Shelley was an educated woman, who during her whole life was looking for new information and increasing her knowledge. On the other hand the monster was created to be intelligent and to know a lot of things. Those are similarities that really let us interpret that the monster is a reflection of the author Mary Shelley.

It is very interesting that some authors write their own life stories hided behind the characters' story. I think that it is a great idea of hiding your story and let the reader interpret it and find out that it actually is the author's own story.