miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen

The story of The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen let me think about many aspects that we face nowadays in our daily life. For example, when we are traveling by metro or bus we do not realize about our environment and people who are near to us. Most of times we are only focused on our problems and life and we do not care about anything else. In the story we can see the same thing. The girl was only concentrated in her business. I really think that she never realized that there were a group of eight Japanese men eating in the same restaurant seated next to her. Besides, I think that if the Japanese gentlemen would receive a glance or a sign from the couple (the girl and her fiancé) that gave them the idea to say hello, they should have done it very gently. But the couple was not able to do that.

If the girl wanted to become a writer she should have the power or the ability of noticing and observing what happens around her. I think that she would have had a great story form the Japanese gentlemen, but may be she did not have the real interest of being a writer, or may be she had to develop her “ability”.

Odour of Chrysanthemus

About this story I could say there are many interesting words which make me think that every age is represented by important issues. For example, there appears poverty, loneliness, addictions, social problems and prohibitions. That is very representative of a society. The idea of that family in the story, which was almost destroyed by those problems, makes us think that everybody can face this kind of situation, but the solution is in realizing about that and try to solve those problems.

Here the image of woman is very important, because they become the main character in the story, where women are the ones in charged of maintain a family alive, which not necessary means by money.

The rocking- horse winner

I think that every story give us main ideas of itself throughout important and significant words. This story makes me feel the sad idea o ambition which is essential in the story of the child and his mother. Sometimes, that ambition is so big that does not give more space for love and time for other important things.

May be the mother in this story should gave more importance to her son, when he asked her for more attention because it might change a lot of thing in their life and it could had helped them to achieve what they wanted.