miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

Final Essay (not finished!!!)


“Poetry as a mirror of human relationships”

I. Introduction

II. Society

a. Different Relationships

b. Men and Women

III. Poetry’s point of view

a. Authors and poems talking about society and human beings relationships.

b. Poetry influences on society

IV. Conclusion

It is common knowledge that society is full of relationships among itself. For instance, we can focus and try to observe carefully the behaviour of people in a school; teachers and students. If we go inside of a teachers’ room, in whichever kind of school, we could notice that there exist a small society which lets us realize the way they relate each other, the way they behave, talk, think and feel, etc. Teachers usually feel safe in their place of work; in this case the teachers’ room. Here they can express what they want without being worried that a student could hear their private conversations, which most of times have a lot to do with their own students. On the other hand, we can find students relationships in a classroom. Students typically do not respect each other; they fight without reasonable motivations, etc. But at the same time they build memorable friendships and they support each other.

Besides, we can relate each other with people we do not know. For example, when we are walking on the street we are in contact with others even if we do not want to. But, this relationship is the one which makes us think about how able are we to relate with others and to perceive the other. In this case it is important to say that we are not used to talk easily with someone who we don not know or while we are in a bus in the way to work or study we never tend, and even think, to talk to the person placed next to us. There could be many possibilities which could cause these kinds of reactions like; being shy, having nothing to say, etc. Although, those are not the real reasons to behave like that, there is something beyond which is called fear.