domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

"A room of one's own"

Virginia Woolf's essay "A room of one's own" let us think about many interesting topics, such as the difference between men and women and society relationships, among others.
It is really interesting to see how Virginia Woolf goes beyond the letters of books and tries to focus on the real intentions of the authors. She tries to give us another point of view of what we read. For instance, she refers to the difference between men and women stating that both have the same ability to express themselves in daily life as in writing. Besides, she argues that if women and men put in their writings both parts of the brain, either women using their male part of the brain or men the other way around.
On the other hand, she talks about the society behavior in terms of relationships. For example, Virginia refers to that saying that people do not care about others problems or feelings. Everybody is concerned about their own things even though they live in groups and communities. Society would be better if all of us live connected with the other. I really think that this "problem" is still happening nowadays, and we should do something with starting by ourselves.